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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Dramas and sitcoms and news, oh my!

This is something I'm thankful for everyday, so it might as well be mentioned sooner than later: TV. I love getting lost in dramatic TV series, feeling better about my own life by watching other people's ridiculous "reality", and forgetting about the day in a crazy sitcom. I used to get my news on my commute to and from work, but now that I'm only a part-time mad scientist, I have to rely on Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert! ;-)

While we're at it, I love Netflix! Noah and I have "discovered" so many great shows, and been able to watch them from beginning to end on our own time. Our couch has certainly been put to good use in the last few years since signing up for Netflix!

Yeah, yeah, it's rotting my brain, ruining my vision, blah blah blah... But I like it! And to think, Darling Husband keeps trying to get me to cancel the cable!

1 comment:

  1. My husband got me to canceled cable.... it's not so bad!
