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Friday, November 25, 2011

Martha Martha Martha...

Today, sadly, I am thankful for Martha. No need for lasts names here, you all know who I mean. And I'll be honset, I never thought it would be so thankful for this woman that I would blog about her. Learn something new everyday...

Anyway, on this day of thanks, I have learned a huge tip from Martha that I will never forget. People, do your turkey a favor: drape it in cheesecloth. It holds in the liquid you're already using to baste the darn bird, and provides you with the juiciest, moistest, most delicious turkey youve ever eaten in your life. I guarantee it. Words do not do this bird justice.

Here's hoping I can convince my dad to toss some cheesecloth on his BBQedbird...

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Floyd's Coffee Shop

Today I'm thankful for Floyd's Coffee Shop. Serving perfectly brewed Stumptown coffee, and deliciously delightful Nuvrei pastries, this has become my new favorite morning ritual. While I woudld be better off eating my usual bowl of oatmeal and drinking green tea, there have been many mornings when I just cannot resist the call of Floyd's. And given that it's a block from our house and conveniently on the way to work, it's nearly impossible to say no.

This particular morning, it was on our way to the freeway so we could head to Bellingham. Who can resist the perfect coffee and pastry pairing when headin gout of town for a few days? Nt this girl! Floyd's it is! And it was amazing... As usual!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Good friends. Good food.

Today I'm thankful for our good friends Rodrigo and Beth. The boys were hired at Ziba right about at the same time, and Beth was one of the first people I met when I moved up here. The four of us all clicked instantly, sharing in good wine, delicious food, and similar family values. They've lived in Portland for a few years, so they've taken the time to show us sround and try new things with us. They've introduced us to some fantastic local wineries, and together we've eaten some of the best food Portland has to offer (and some of it was in their very own kitchen!). They are truly our inspiration for how we want to raise our own children someday, and even our dogs are in love! We always have fun when we're with them, no matter what we're doing, and we're excited to share in many more adventures with them in the future!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Carson Hawkins Barr

What a joyful day we had yesterday!  In an unanticipated move, the county moved Carson's hearing date up, and yesterday, he officially and legally became a member of our family!

Evidently, once a year, the county gathers up all the unfinished adoption business, throws a big party, and then closes as many cases as possible. So yesterday, Mandy and Ryan took Carson (and many family and friends) down to the courthouse to pet animals, sit on a pony, listen to some boring speakers, and walk out of there as a bonafide family! My mom has made a quilt to commemorate the day, and even got the judge to sign his own quilt square. There was much rejoicing and many tears shed. We are so grateful to have this whole adventure over with!

I recently went shopping for presents for Carson's first birthday (which is on Thanksgiving!) and found a teething bib that says, "Everyone is thankful for me!"  More than you will ever know, kid ��

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Enough is enough...

Almost five months ago, I set out to proclaim to the world one thing for which I am thankful everyday.  Based on the number of posts seen her, i have failed miserably.  I have chastised myself many times for not making this dream a reality, but today I am making a change!  I see the difference in my attitude on days when I actually write, so I'm jumping back on the thankful train and moving full speed ahead!

I currently have an unpublished post entitled, "For days when it's hard to be thankful."  As I mentioned once before, even though I'm not writing everyday, I find myself constantly reflecting on the things that bless my life.  So today, even though my entries are few and far between, I am thankful for never having to use that list.  It's a very long list with no shortage of ideas, but so far, it's been kinda useless!  And for that, I am incredibly grateful!