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Monday, June 25, 2012

It's over!

I'm a week into my 30s, so I think it's officially time to update the blog one last time. First, I'm thankful that 30 finally came so I can stop writing this blog! I have learned that I am not cut out for blogging, as all of you know. I was hopeful that it would become routine, and get easier and easier to write everyday. It went the other way... For some reason, it got harder and harder to sit down to write. I don't know if work got in the way, it was a pain to write, or if I just plain forgot, but somehow this blog just slipped away... So, while I learned some things (which I'll get to), above all else, I learned that I am NOT a blogger! Second, I'm thankful for all this blog has taught me. I shared before that having this blog hanging over my head has made me, at the very least, think everyday on something I'm thankful for. Even if I don't write about it and share it with the world, it's on my mind. Because of this, I find that I am a much more easy-going person. Overall, I'm happier, I smile more, I feel good. (That could also be the joy of the magic trimester...) I have a more positive outlook on things, and find myself worrying less. Who couldn't be thankful for that?! It's been an interesting adventure, and while I wasn't successful at writing everyday, I still feel this blog was a success!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Mad Science

Today I'm thankful for my coworkers at Mad Science. Our small group behaves more like a family in many ways, both good and bad. It's nice to have a group of people around who completely understand your working situation, because chances are, they've done your job before!
I'm also grateful at how much family is valued by all of our employees. It's comforting to know that everyone supports whatever decisions I make in the future regarding Little Junior. They almost all have children themselves, some even have grandchildren, and have web in the same balancing act of work and family. While it's certainly my intention to stay here for a few more years, it's nice to know that my decisions are respected.
Thanks Mad Science!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Today I'm thankful for all of you who read this, but don't give me a hard time about my fluctuations! I realized this morning that my 30th birthday is 30 days away, and I have been HORRIBLE at keeping up with this blog. I don't know how people do it! Especially once I got pregnant... It's certainly been fun, though, and I'm excited to continue this for another 30 days!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Chai lattes

Today is another simple pleasure morning: chai lattes.

When I worked at Starbucks, I drank them all the time. They've gone by the wayside since then, though, and I hadn't really given them a second thought until this past weekend. We went to Compote on our way to wine country, and Sara ordered a bunch of chai lattes for us. Why in the world did I give these up?!

I'm certainly not a caffeine nazi when it comes to my pregnancy, but during the first trimester, just the thought of coffee was nauseating. Now that I feel better, I've been drinking it again, but can't handle all the caffeine. So, in my quest to find good low-or-no caffeine substitutes, I can't believe I didn't even think of chai! Since its resurgence, though, Mommy and Baby have been quite happy!

Monday, April 23, 2012


While it has become a bit of a time suck, Pinterest has definitely helped me keep (some of) my sanity these last few months. I'm completely addicted!

It all started with cute baby stuff for one day off in the distant future. Then the baby stuff became not-so-distant. Now it's such a fun place to find ideas for DIY baby stuff, afghan patterns, and nursery ideas. I guarantee our baby will be sporting many items stolen from the boards of Pinterest!

Then I became addicted to recipes. I've even made a couple that have been quite fabulous. It's such a fun way to add a little variety to our weekly menus.

And now DH is addicted! He's had a lot of fun adding to the baby board, and getting to share in the cute ideas.i don't know what other boards he has, but I see him with his phone in his hand constantly pinning away!

Thanks Pinterest for helping me waste even more of my day!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Simple minds, simple pleasures

Tonight I'm thankful for the simplemindedness of my poochie, Charlie.

We went to Target today and purchased the economy size bag of tennis balls. These are her absolute FAVORITE toy in the entire world. But Puppy can chew through them like nobody's business, so it's important that we don't spend a lot of money on them.

As we were unpacking our bag of loot, Puppy saw me put the bag of balls away on the upper shelf of the closet where they live until she busts through one and is need of a new source of joy. She got so excited about the arrival of so many new balls that she plopped down and smiled up at them, patiently waiting for someone to get them down for her.

And there she sits, an hour later. And probably will for the rest of the night.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Modern medicine

Tonight I'm thankful for the advances in medical science. This will be a rather short and targeted list, because it only has to do with babies.

Ultrasounds - I love that we've seen our little baby's heartbeat with our own eyes. And I'm so excited for the day when we can see Little DiJulio's... anatomy.

Dopplers - While my visits these days to my midwife are short and sweet (and start to feel like a waste of time), it always warms my heart to hear my little baby's heart beat rapidly and strong.

I'm not sure what to call the last thing. Mom-in-law sent us a book of little fetuses along the way to birth, and it's cool to see how Lil Tank (1st choice of a name, regardless of gender) is growing inside. It's amazing how fast he or she looks like a little person!

The countdown continues, 22 weeks to go!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Where have I been?!

As I sit here waiting for car's oil change to finish up, I have suddenly remembered my blog. Ah yes, my love-hate relationship for this thing still going strong, I have decided it's time to update. After all, I'm in the home stretch! Only 2 more months till my 30th!

We've had much going on in the last few months, many things to help my mind stray from the elusive update. Not least of which is the fact that I'm pregnant! 17 weeks along, and I'm finally getting around to being thankful for it ;-)

In all seriousness, though, once the surprise wore off after a couple days, we were ecstatic to find out a little DiJulio would be joining us soon. We went to Costa Rica soon after and told everyone we met! We weren't ready to tell family and friends yet, but were bursting at the seams, so it felt good to share our news with someone!

It's been a pretty easy pregnancy (knock on wood!) and we're excited to see what's in store. We'll find out the sex in a three weeks, and then it's in to the final countdown! I'll try to keep everyone up-to-date, but we've all seen how that goes!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


We purchased a new router over the weekend. I love it.

That is all.

Sunday, January 15, 2012


Today I thankful for sparkling water.

I distinctly remember as a kid being disgusted by sparkling water. It had the grossest bitter taste to me, and I never understood how people could drink it without majorly sweetening itup with some OJ.

I don't know if you could call it an acquired taste, or if this is some weird phase I'm going through, but lately, it is the most refreshing, delicious treat I can think of to have a glass of sparkling water with a squeeze of lime.


Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I feel first that I should clear something up. About a month ago, I posted something about babies. not only was it not exactly what I was feeling, it was very vague and maybe misleading.

Of course I'm thankful for babies! I don't need any reminding of that. But during this troubling time of trying to make our own babies, it's difficult to remember the fun of the process. I have a hard time feeling empowered by knowing my body, and treasuring the short time that it's just the two of us. Once I get pregnant, those days are numbered! But I certainly don't need to remember to be thankful for babies; just the process leading up to the baby!

Also, have no fear: nothing happened. As I've mentioned to a few people already, it's a cruel, cruel trick of nature to find out you're not pregnant during what is already such an emotional period (no pun intended...) of life. How is any woman supposed to handle that with a level head?!

I have since come to my level-headed senses, and am trying to enjoy everyday without thinking about babies so much. I really should cherish this time that it's just me and DH, well-rested with a bit of free time. It could all go away soon...

Anyway, today I'm thankful for something totally unrelated.

Many years ago when I was young and foolish, I made a new friend at church. I had no idea how much this boy would impact my life at the time, and not in the way you're thinking. While I never dated him, he was a good friend through everything, and we shared many memories together. This friend is Kevin Cracknell.

Kevin is someone I've always known I can rely on. As life has taken us in different directions, I often find myself thinking back to how much fun we had, how I could talk to him about anything, and how he was there for me through everything. So while we may not talk as often as we should anymore (or ever...), I want him to know he still holds a special place in my heart.

Kevin literally changed my life the day he introduced me to DH, and while I certainly never say it enough (how do you thank someone for that?!), I'm truly blessed to know Kevin!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Red red wine

Hubby and I got into wine tasting as one of the first few things we started doing together. It was fun to learn about grape varietals, growing conditions, and the "proper" way to taste wine. It was also fun to make fun of all the pretentious and snobby people we met, too?

On a beautiful summer day, I love sitting around in the sunshine and sipping a yummy rosé. While seemingly outdated and long-forgotten with the days of white zin, rosés are making a fantastic comeback and should seriously be considered as contenders these days. Our favorite is a Testarossa Novitiate Rosé, a blend from Santa Barbara and Sonoma counties. We've even been able to find a few Oregon rosés that match its dry, yet flavorful tongue. The only downside to rosés is that they are so light and delicious that we tend to finish them too quickly!

But since moving to Oregon, I've discovered how much I love a yummy red wine. With the number of cold days we get around here, red wine is such a comfort and warms my heart. We cook so many comfort-food meals that pair so well with red wine. And we've even found a ton of affordable (read, less than $10) wines that are quite enjoyable!

Now I'm off to my current cheap favorite, Cupcake Red Velvet!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A blog about blogging...

Tonight I'm reminded how thankful I am for social networking and blogs. It's such a fun way to keep up with what people are doing and get a small glimpse into their lives. Now, I'll be the first to admit that there are a few "friends" (read, acquaintances) with whom this is my ONLY communication. And while DH may call it insincere, it really doesn't mean that I don't care about these people. If I didn't care, wouldn't I just delete them?

To focus, though, I'm mostly thankful for blogs. It's fun to feel like you're part of something, whether reading or writing. I've learned so many cool skills from creative blogs, and haven even able to try delicious new recipes. A lot of our homemade Christmas ideas were inspired by blogs. I also love the stories my friends tell on their own blogs.

Now if only I could keep up with blog as much as they keep up with their own...