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Friday, July 1, 2011

Noah just came back from a business trip to Burbank today, and fortunately I was able to pick him up early from work. It was a gorgeous 85 degrees with a fantastic little breeze, so we decided to hold off on puppy's walk for a bit, and head down to Apex with it's 50 beers on tap and all the outdoor seating you could ask for! We caught up on our weeks and had fun soaking up the sunshine.

When we got home, Charlie was quite ready for her walk! We headed out for a stroll around the neighborhood and were able to soak up a few more rays with the pup. Then we ditched her again and went to a new restaurant (for us anyway!), Screen Door. It's famous for its traditional southern fried chicken, but neither of us got that! We branched out and neither of us was sorry!

Then we came home to relax on the couch and settle into a night of catching up on our favorite television shows. This, of course, gets constantly interrupted by Charlie needing her ball from under the entertainment center...

All in all, it was a perfect night with my husband. Tonight I am SUPER thankful for date nights with the man I love!

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