Today I'm thankful for my many "skills.". I've adopted many hobbies over the years. Some of them stick around for the long haul, and some fall by the wayside pretty quickly. Some make comebacks after I've taken a hiatus.
One of the latter would be knitting. I tried once right after I graduated college, and I think I got the hang of it rather quickly. I knit a small sweater and booties for a friend who was having a baby. It was a fairly simple pattern, just required some counting. I've always thought of myself as a good counter! For some reason, though, in spite of being successful, that was the end of my knitting career until we moved to Oregon 6 years later.
I recently decided I wanted to knit a blanket for my best friend Sheena and her new baby. I dove in head first and attempted a pattern that looked really cute and the directions seemed straightforward. "Seemed" being the operative word... 4 patterns and 7 attempts later, I finally made her a blanket! So then, sticking with the same pattern, I made a blanket for my new nephew, Carson. And now I've started making baby washcloths of all different colors, again with the same pattern.
I've been quite successful and haven't given up yet. But I think eventually I'm going to have to branch out and try new patterns. I'll let you know when that day finally comes, but for now, I think I'll stick with washcloths!
you can turn the wash cloths into dish cloths and pot holders!;) P.S. I love reading your blog!
ReplyDeleteThey're not quite thick enough for pot holders, but they would make good dish cloths!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you're liking it! It's been fun writing it...very cathartic!
Serevina loves her beautiful purple blanket from Aunt Heidi!
ReplyDeleteYa know, if you make enough washcloths and stitch 'em together, you end up with a blanket...I'm just sayin'.
I actually had the same thought, Cher! If I got that route, I may need you to teach me to how to stitch them together!