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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Schedules continued...

So yesterday, I briefly mentioned I was thankful for schedules. Don't get me wrong, spontaneity has its place. I love a good impromptu date night, or doing things on a whim when traveling. But for the most part, I like when things happen according to a plan.

Like when my rental income is deposited before my rent and mortgage are taken out of our account (which did NOT happen yesterday!). I relly have no one to blame but myself. I could have waited a couple days to send out my mortgage check. But in the 4+ years I've been paying this mortgage, I don't think it's ever been cashed before the 10th of the month. This time, THE 5TH! That was a rude awakening yesterday...

Or like when our new car arrives when it's scheduled to. Now, nothing has gone wrong yet. It's been built and is on a cargo ship somewhere in the Pacific Ocean making its way to P-town. But we've been waiting so long, I really hope it sticks to its schedule!

Or when babies bake as long as their supposed to! Some friends just had a baby on Friday a whopping 30 days early! Everyone's healthy and everyone's home already, but I know, if given the choice, they would have appreciated a little more time to get ready for baby Zoey!

I'm sure sometime this year I'll contradict myself and be thankful for spontaneity (like the next time I get to travel!), but for now I'm grateful for things that happen when they should!

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