Why do I do this to myself?
I have quickly become addicted to a new show on TLC called, "Surprise Homecoming." It's about military men and women on deployment who want to surprise their loved ones with a (wait for it...) surprise homecoming. All it takes is a commercial for the show, and all my emotions come pouring out my eyeballs!
I can't say that I'm particularly thankful for the show because all it does for me is turn me into an emotional mess. However, it does make me insanely grateful for all the military men and women willing to a do a job I could never have the courage to do. So to all the military men and women I know, and those I don't know; here, there, anywhere; active, former, or retired; thank you for your service. I stand behind you every step of the way because I'm certainly not willing to stand in front of you.
And to all the wives, husbands, daughters, sons, mothers, fathers, extended family members of military men and women (and anyone else I may have forgotten!) I commend you for your strength. I know I could never handle it if Noah were taken from me, even if only for a few months. You're an inspiration to all!
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