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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Thank you, Husband!

Today, once again, I'm grateful for Darling Husband!

We entered into an interesting situation this morning, given that our car was sold to someone else.  We needed to make a decision to either order a new car, or take our money and walk.  While I don't feel that the Ford team really deserved it, he was respectful and courteous.  He handled the situation with poise and was clear and concise with our demands.  When the salesman REFUSED to budge on the measly discount they were willing to give us on a new car, he took the time to thoroughly think it through, weighing the pros and cons of each choice, and made the rational decision to walk.  He valued my opinion throughout the process, and took my feelings into account every step of the way!

We then headed down to Subaru.  They've been on our list for a while, and we felt we should take a test drive or two to really make an informed decision.  We took our time, not jumping into anything, and read reviews as we kept the salesman waiting.  Again, he valued my opinion, even leaving a couple things completely in my hands.  We discussed things both with the salespeople and with each other.  And in the end, we came home with a car that I'm sure we'll love for many years to come.  So who's gettin' the first ride in the new Forester?!

And I believe we are now officially Oregonians!

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