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Monday, December 12, 2011


Today, in the wake of my extreme disappointment, I am reminding myself how thankful I am for babies.

That's all.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Yesterday I made a big mistake at work...

Without getting into too many details, I sent out flyers on Monday that I had produced announcing a winter class at a rather large school(about 800 kids). Yesterday my boss noticed they have the wrong time on them. Oops.

After speaking to the school secretary this morning, I learned that, since this is a school that LOVES Mad Science and ALWAYS fills two classes, they already sent the flyers home on Tuesday. Oops.

While my boss was clearly upset by this, she certainly didn't take it out on me in the form of scolding or a lecture. She simply said there's always one that gets away from you, and reminded me how much the details matter in this job.

So tonight I'm thankful for a boss who can see that people make mistakes, and the easiest thing to do is get solution-minded. Fix it, and move on. Learn from the mistake so it doesn't happen again. Thanks, Linda!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Life Made Lovely

A friend on Facebook recently had her blog redesigned by a company called "Life Made Lovely Designs." It. Is. GORGEOUS! I instantly needed a new design for my site!

So today I am thankful for Molly Wenger and her artistic and computer-coding skills for making my very own blog site so beautiful! Maybe this will be the inspiration I need to write everyday again...

Friday, November 25, 2011

Martha Martha Martha...

Today, sadly, I am thankful for Martha. No need for lasts names here, you all know who I mean. And I'll be honset, I never thought it would be so thankful for this woman that I would blog about her. Learn something new everyday...

Anyway, on this day of thanks, I have learned a huge tip from Martha that I will never forget. People, do your turkey a favor: drape it in cheesecloth. It holds in the liquid you're already using to baste the darn bird, and provides you with the juiciest, moistest, most delicious turkey youve ever eaten in your life. I guarantee it. Words do not do this bird justice.

Here's hoping I can convince my dad to toss some cheesecloth on his BBQedbird...

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Floyd's Coffee Shop

Today I'm thankful for Floyd's Coffee Shop. Serving perfectly brewed Stumptown coffee, and deliciously delightful Nuvrei pastries, this has become my new favorite morning ritual. While I woudld be better off eating my usual bowl of oatmeal and drinking green tea, there have been many mornings when I just cannot resist the call of Floyd's. And given that it's a block from our house and conveniently on the way to work, it's nearly impossible to say no.

This particular morning, it was on our way to the freeway so we could head to Bellingham. Who can resist the perfect coffee and pastry pairing when headin gout of town for a few days? Nt this girl! Floyd's it is! And it was amazing... As usual!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Good friends. Good food.

Today I'm thankful for our good friends Rodrigo and Beth. The boys were hired at Ziba right about at the same time, and Beth was one of the first people I met when I moved up here. The four of us all clicked instantly, sharing in good wine, delicious food, and similar family values. They've lived in Portland for a few years, so they've taken the time to show us sround and try new things with us. They've introduced us to some fantastic local wineries, and together we've eaten some of the best food Portland has to offer (and some of it was in their very own kitchen!). They are truly our inspiration for how we want to raise our own children someday, and even our dogs are in love! We always have fun when we're with them, no matter what we're doing, and we're excited to share in many more adventures with them in the future!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Carson Hawkins Barr

What a joyful day we had yesterday!  In an unanticipated move, the county moved Carson's hearing date up, and yesterday, he officially and legally became a member of our family!

Evidently, once a year, the county gathers up all the unfinished adoption business, throws a big party, and then closes as many cases as possible. So yesterday, Mandy and Ryan took Carson (and many family and friends) down to the courthouse to pet animals, sit on a pony, listen to some boring speakers, and walk out of there as a bonafide family! My mom has made a quilt to commemorate the day, and even got the judge to sign his own quilt square. There was much rejoicing and many tears shed. We are so grateful to have this whole adventure over with!

I recently went shopping for presents for Carson's first birthday (which is on Thanksgiving!) and found a teething bib that says, "Everyone is thankful for me!"  More than you will ever know, kid ��

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Enough is enough...

Almost five months ago, I set out to proclaim to the world one thing for which I am thankful everyday.  Based on the number of posts seen her, i have failed miserably.  I have chastised myself many times for not making this dream a reality, but today I am making a change!  I see the difference in my attitude on days when I actually write, so I'm jumping back on the thankful train and moving full speed ahead!

I currently have an unpublished post entitled, "For days when it's hard to be thankful."  As I mentioned once before, even though I'm not writing everyday, I find myself constantly reflecting on the things that bless my life.  So today, even though my entries are few and far between, I am thankful for never having to use that list.  It's a very long list with no shortage of ideas, but so far, it's been kinda useless!  And for that, I am incredibly grateful!

Sunday, October 2, 2011


In spite of my absence, I really do have many things to be thankful for.  I now find myself reflecting on such things, even if I'm not writing about it.  I suppose that really was the point of the whole exercise!

As I attempt to get back into the swing of things, I'll start with my gratitude for legal system.  A couple months ago, I wrote about an accident I was in over three years ago.  In this instance, the justice system prevailed!  After a grueling, frustrating, and just-plain-stupid three years, the woman was declared crazy (well, not literally) and ended up with nothing.  In white a different case, my family has much more to be thankful for...

My sister and her husband have been in the process of trying to adopt, as I also wrote about a few months ago.  This time around, it's been an adorable little boy named Carson who was less than three months old when he came to them.  He was instantly smothered with love by everyone in our family, and the great emotional roller coaster began again.

Almost a month ago, though, a judge terminated his birth parents' rights.  Yay!  This doesn't mean it's all over yet, but it's certainly a giant leap in the right direction!  There's a four-month waiting period before they can officially adopt him so the birth mother can appeal the decision (which she probably will, but it'll just be a waste of everyone's time), but things are definitely working in our favor this time!

Keep our family in your thoughts and prayers these days, and in the days to come, especially for any judge making an important call.  There have been many bad decisions along the way, as well as the few good ones.  Let's hope they continue to be good ones!

UPDATE: we heard from my sister a few days ago, and they've set an adoption date for November 15! I don't understand enough about adoption law to know how this is even possible, but I'm certainly not complaining! We're excited about this new development, and can't wait to see how it all turns out. We may have something to be extremely thankful for come Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Happiness doesn't always make you feel happy

Man, I am REALLY bad at this blogging thing! Let's choose not to focus on my bad points...

I read this statement a while ago, and was immediately struck by its validity. I started to think about the fact that, while each day may not be happy, my life generally is. All the crap that happens day to day is usually necessary for an ultimately happy life. This weekend was a huge reminder of just that.

Noah and I are moving to a new apartment currently, and so far, it's not going so well. We moved all our stuff out of storage and into our new basement. I packed up all my craft stuff to move over to our new office/craft room/guest room/maybe a nursery eventually. (You'd think this room was HUGE based on it's sense of great purpose...). I made a plan to pack up the car with as much as I could each day and move it over, so that on actual "moving day," our job would be easy.

Two seemingly unhappy things got in the way of that...

First, Noah and I spent the entire weekend fighting. We attempted to find a practical solution for the multiple-purpose room, and couldn't agree on much. And by much, I mean nothing. Everything was too expensive, too big, too ugly, too cheap-looking, too impractical, too cumbersome, blah blah blah. I could go on forever because we basically did. Now, here it is Tuesday, and we have nothing for that room. However, by airing our dirty laundry in a very public place (by the way, worst place to be when trying to storm off in a huff = IKEA), and letting each other's opinions sink in for a couple days, we came to a fantastic compromise. We're very happy with our current solution and are excited to share our new space with good friends coming to visit in a couple weeks!

Second, I seem to have run out of time do to all this moving all of a sudden! My job at Mad Science has expressed an interest in my services for something other than mad scientisting!
It's some simple data entry stuff, creating flyers, and organizing schedules and the like. It may not be what I'm trained for, but it's certainly something I love doing. I enjoy creating things, and feeling that sense of accomplishment when I can check them off my list. Check! It could possibly get mundane, and I'm sure that eventually I'll miss being with children, but the job is constantly changing depending on the season and it might just mean I'll have to make my own children!

I'm feeling rather busy, and I certainly don't enjoy fighting with my husband. But once we get to the other side, we're able to see quite clearly why we had to follow a particular path. We may not always be happy, but we can be confident we're headed towards happiness!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

My parents

Today, on the arrival day of their first visit to Portland since we moved, I am extremely grateful for my parents. There are so many reasons to be thankful for them, so this may take a few entries over time, but I'll touch on it today!

My parents, like man parents, have always provided for me in every way necessary. Obviously while rowing up, they kept a roof over my head, provided me a fantastic education, and even squeezed in some memorable family vacations. They were excellent parents who guided my sister and me in the right direction while also letting go every once in a while to watch us make our own mistakes. I'm not a parent yet, but I can only imagine that this is the hardest task as a mother or father. You think you know what's best for your children, and you want so badly for them to turn out well. But you have to remember that sometimes the best lessons are learned through your own mistakes. You must take your hands off their shoulders and trust them to make sound decisions. I've certainly made some mistakes along the way, but I'm so grateful that they allowed me to make them and come out a better woman on the other side.

One thing I hear people often say is that they want to provide a better life for their children than they had. This usually means they want to make more money than their parents and give their children lots of things. I think my parents had that same dream, but interpreted it in a different way. They invested their time in our lives, teaching us how to be good people who contributed positively to this world. They emphasized the value of family. They took an interest in what we liked and supported our decisions.

I'm so excited to see my parents today, and can't wait to show them the life we've built here in Portland. I can only hope that one day I can pass on the same message of "betterment" to my own children!

Monday, August 15, 2011


This may be a bit of a repeat, but the details are different.

Beth and I went berry picking on Saturday, and I realized, once again, how thankful I am for fresh Oregon berries! While the raspberries were gone for the summer, we had fun with marionberries (my first experience) and blueberries. We wandered along with our buckets, picking and eating and chatting. It's such a fun thing to do while catching up with a good girlfriend! A couple hours later, we left with 8 lbs of berries (in our buckets at least... who knows how much was in our bellies!) and countless ideas for what to do with them!

I've already made s marionberry pie filling, and I just need to take care of the crust and bake it. I made blueberry pancakes on Sunday morning, and plan on making a small batch of blueberry lime jam. There's still quite a bit left over, but I'm sure we'll have no trouble thinking of delicious ways to consume them!

If anyone's down for a visit, I'll have to take you out "picking" for whatever's in season!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Thank you, Husband!

Today, once again, I'm grateful for Darling Husband!

We entered into an interesting situation this morning, given that our car was sold to someone else.  We needed to make a decision to either order a new car, or take our money and walk.  While I don't feel that the Ford team really deserved it, he was respectful and courteous.  He handled the situation with poise and was clear and concise with our demands.  When the salesman REFUSED to budge on the measly discount they were willing to give us on a new car, he took the time to thoroughly think it through, weighing the pros and cons of each choice, and made the rational decision to walk.  He valued my opinion throughout the process, and took my feelings into account every step of the way!

We then headed down to Subaru.  They've been on our list for a while, and we felt we should take a test drive or two to really make an informed decision.  We took our time, not jumping into anything, and read reviews as we kept the salesman waiting.  Again, he valued my opinion, even leaving a couple things completely in my hands.  We discussed things both with the salespeople and with each other.  And in the end, we came home with a car that I'm sure we'll love for many years to come.  So who's gettin' the first ride in the new Forester?!

And I believe we are now officially Oregonians!

Friday, July 22, 2011


I'm having a hard time deciding what I'm thankful for today.  Perhaps the $600 medical bill we just got in the mail that's not covered by insurance AT ALL.  Or maybe I'm thankful that I spent the afternoon looking at and filling out an application for a house, and it looks like it's already rented (there's still some hope there, though, so maybe that doesn't fit into this list!).  No, no, I think I'm most thankful for my car that arrived 2 weeks ago and now belongs to someone else!

As most of you know, Noah and I have been in process of buying a new car for quite some time.  This really all started 2+ years ago when he decided that my car needed replacing.  We never got around to buying a new one by the time we moved, so he said we could sell it in CA, then buy a new one once I moved to OR.  Six months later, I still didn't have a new car...  So I finally cracked him, and we special ordered a brand new 2012 Ford Focus hatchback.  It had everything we needed; moonroof, winter package, Sync technology, Bluetooth, MP3 jack, cargo area for Charlie, and got incredible gas mileage (28-38 MPG!).  We felt that when spending that much money, we should exactly what we want, thus the special order.  We were told the earliest it would come was July 20.

Come July 22, we get a call from the dealership.  Good news!  Our new car arrived two weeks early (read, two weeks ago).  Bad news!  One of the salemen sold it to someone else...  I'm stunned, flabbergasted, in shock... I'm BEYOND pissed!  All I can do is sit and shake my head.

We're at a bit of a crossroads: do we order another one?  Do we haggle over another one on the lot?  Do we take our deposit and go elsewhere?  I think we're going with door #3, Wayne.  A dealership that is THAT incompetent (or shady... let's say someone offered more money than we agreed to pay.) doesn't deserve our business.  So to all Portlandians, DO NOT buy a car from Dick's Mackenzie Ford in Hillsboro.

But in all honesty, I'm quite thankful to head out to Rodrigo and Beth's for dinner tonight, get some snuggles from baby Zoey, and try to forget about the day.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

To all military families out there...

Why do I do this to myself?

I have quickly become addicted to a new show on TLC called, "Surprise Homecoming."  It's about military men and women on deployment who want to surprise their loved ones with a (wait for it...) surprise homecoming.  All it takes is a commercial for the show, and all my emotions come pouring out my eyeballs!

I can't say that I'm particularly thankful for the show because all it does for me is turn me into an emotional mess.  However, it does make me insanely grateful for all the military men and women willing to a do a job I could never have the courage to do.  So to all the military men and women I know, and those I don't know; here, there, anywhere; active, former, or retired; thank you for your service.  I stand behind you every step of the way because I'm certainly not willing to stand in front of you.

And to all the wives, husbands, daughters, sons, mothers, fathers, extended family members of military men and women (and anyone else I may have forgotten!) I commend you for your strength.   I know I could never handle it if Noah were taken from me, even if only for a few months.  You're an inspiration to all!

Monday, July 18, 2011

The Bachelorette

Mondays have quickly become my favorite night of the week, thanks to a trashy "reality" TV show called "The Bachelorette" (or "The Bachelor," depending on the season). Despite the flack I'll get for this, I love the drama and chaos that ensues when one person is forced to choose among 25 of the opposite sex in the interest of finding "true love." It's also super fun to make fun of the stupid girl who's on it now and yell at her for being a stupid girl!

The best part, and the thing I actually love about Mondays, is the girl time. A bunch of us get together to collectively yell at the stupid girl, and oogle the goodies of the good men and bash the lame ones. I'm sure this bonding could be done over any TV show, but "The Bachelorette" just provides so much good material!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Harry Potter

Tonight, Noah and I concluded the epic series, and it was just as wonderful as expected! So today, J.K. Rowling, I thank for you for the last 12 years (really it's more, but that's how long I've been a fan). Thank you for the joy, tears, anxiety, and extreme entertainment. I can't wait to share to share these stories with my own children some day. These books will be their generation's "Lord of the Rings" or "Chronicles of Narnia."

And in the words of Stephen King, ‎"Harry Potter is about confronting fears, finding inner strength and doing what is right in the face of adversity. Twilight is about how important it is to have a boyfriend." :-)

Friday, July 15, 2011

Wild berry iced tea

The last few days in Portland have been a bit gloomy (surprise, surprise!).  Today, though, the sun decided to come out again, and came out with a vengeance!  I spent most of the day outside with my campers, so I worked up quite a thirst.  On my way out of town, I stopped by Wendy's to try their delicious new wild berry iced tea.  It was exactly what I needed!  Not too sweet, it's iced black tea with real crushed berries.  Very refreshing!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Apparently I'm not quite as committed to this cause as I thought I was going to be... Sorry for the 3-day delay! I've been bless with work again. Mad Science has me scheduled for camps for the next four weeks! My blog posts may be infrequent for a while...

Today, though, I am thankful for another one of my skills: baking! First, a little back story.

When Noah and I came to Portland for his interview with Ziba, they out us up in a nice hotel downtown for the weekend (after paying for both of our flights up here!). I went to check in while Noah was at his interviews. Upon entering, I found a lovely box of chocolates (among other things) sitting on the bed. Of course, I ripped it right open and began devouring these little pieces of heaven. I instantly fell in love, and decided that this was how we needed to break the news to family that we were moving to Portland: with chocolate.

This little local company is called Moonstruck, and they make the most sinfully delicious morsels I've ever tasted. All their chocolate is so creative, in flavor and appearance. Noah's not much of a chocolate fan, and even he appreciates the beauty of Moonstruck! We found the nearest shop, and ran down to stock up on a few boxes. I'm not sure the chocolates made it OK for us to move to Portland, but it perhaps softened the blow.

About a month later, after Noah had already moved here, Erin, Cody, and I came for a visit. In the midst of our citywide coffee tasting, we stopped at Moonstruck for a little chocolately delight and discovered something new: salted caramel hot chocolate! The perfect blend of salty and sweet, it was exactly what we needed on a chilly fall afternoon!

A few days ago, I thought it would be delightful to translate this cup of perfection into a cookie. So I searched for a nice chocolate cookie recipe that could easily be altered, and went on a hunt for caramel chips. I had to settle for toffee chips, so if anyone knows of a place to get caramel chips, I'm open to baking these cookies again. That being said, they are DELICIOUS! It's nights like these that I'm thankful for my love for and ability to bake!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Mississippi Ave street fair

Today was the annual Mississippi Ave. street fair. Noah and I headed out to visit a friend's booth and check out the hippies. It turned out to be a lot better than we thought it would be!

The first thing we noticed was the incredible and delicious variety of food. Sweet and savory waffles, deep fried risotto, Indian and Chinese food. Then, of course, all the typical street fair...fair: rotisserie chickens, ribs, burgers and brats.

The next thing was the amount of dogs. I'm used to snooty art and wine festivals of the Bay Area that don't allow dogs. Parrots and snakes, sure, but no dogs. We were, once again, in love with the state that allows doggies everywhere!

The last, and possibly best, thing we were struck by was the sheer talent in our area. I feel like, back home, all the booths at all the festivals are exactly the same... Cheesy paintings, pretty photography, flattened wine bottles to be used as cheeseboards. Everything at this fair seemed to be original. Glass tile jewelry, handmade bags, jams and jellies, hand stitched onesies (Erin, they didn't compare to yours!). The local artists of Portland were truly impressive!

And it wasn't just hippies there!

Friday, July 8, 2011


A few weeks ago, Noah and I headed out to Astoria with Charlie. We both had a day off of work and decided to explore a new tidbit of Oregon.

On the way, about 4 miles outside of Astoria, we stopped at a beach known for its shipwreck. This sounds really cool, but it was a bit underwhelming. It's only about 1/4 of the ship and it's so washed away you can really only see the frame. However, everyone else seemed to think it was cool, so we were able to run round the rest of the beach undeterred! Charlie got to romp in the waves a bit, and chase after her ball up and down the beach. By the time we left, she was covered in sand from head to toe. Her beautiful vanilla fur was suddenly chocolate!

Then we headed into town to a local brewery in a historic fort. Tasty food and tasty beer consumed, we grabbed Charlie from the car and wandered around town. We checked out little shops and walked around the waterfront. Then we trekked up the hill to the Astoria column. 187 steps later (or something like that...), we made it to the top and enjoyed the view all the way out to Mt. Hood. One last stop at the Goondocks before the short ride home.

Days like that make me thankful to live in such a dog-friendly state. It's nice to be able to take Charlie out and know that she'll be welcome. There are so many restaurants and shops we can take her to. Not to mention the beautiful beaches and dog parks! Noah and I have been really happy here, and we think Charlie is, too!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Schedules continued...

So yesterday, I briefly mentioned I was thankful for schedules. Don't get me wrong, spontaneity has its place. I love a good impromptu date night, or doing things on a whim when traveling. But for the most part, I like when things happen according to a plan.

Like when my rental income is deposited before my rent and mortgage are taken out of our account (which did NOT happen yesterday!). I relly have no one to blame but myself. I could have waited a couple days to send out my mortgage check. But in the 4+ years I've been paying this mortgage, I don't think it's ever been cashed before the 10th of the month. This time, THE 5TH! That was a rude awakening yesterday...

Or like when our new car arrives when it's scheduled to. Now, nothing has gone wrong yet. It's been built and is on a cargo ship somewhere in the Pacific Ocean making its way to P-town. But we've been waiting so long, I really hope it sticks to its schedule!

Or when babies bake as long as their supposed to! Some friends just had a baby on Friday a whopping 30 days early! Everyone's healthy and everyone's home already, but I know, if given the choice, they would have appreciated a little more time to get ready for baby Zoey!

I'm sure sometime this year I'll contradict myself and be thankful for spontaneity (like the next time I get to travel!), but for now I'm grateful for things that happen when they should!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


As the warm summer weather sets in, it may be time to bust out the ice cream each night. So for tonight, I start with spumoni, and I'm so glad I did! I may be alone in this (as Darling Husband leads me to believe), but spumoni is the most delightful combination of flavors imaginable! What a fantastic way to kick off summer!

Monday, July 4, 2011

She's crafty!

Today I'm thankful for my many "skills.". I've adopted many hobbies over the years. Some of them stick around for the long haul, and some fall by the wayside pretty quickly. Some make comebacks after I've taken a hiatus.

One of the latter would be knitting. I tried once right after I graduated college, and I think I got the hang of it rather quickly. I knit a small sweater and booties for a friend who was having a baby. It was a fairly simple pattern, just required some counting. I've always thought of myself as a good counter! For some reason, though, in spite of being successful, that was the end of my knitting career until we moved to Oregon 6 years later.

I recently decided I wanted to knit a blanket for my best friend Sheena and her new baby. I dove in head first and attempted a pattern that looked really cute and the directions seemed straightforward. "Seemed" being the operative word... 4 patterns and 7 attempts later, I finally made her a blanket! So then, sticking with the same pattern, I made a blanket for my new nephew, Carson. And now I've started making baby washcloths of all different colors, again with the same pattern.

I've been quite successful and haven't given up yet. But I think eventually I'm going to have to branch out and try new patterns. I'll let you know when that day finally comes, but for now, I think I'll stick with washcloths!

Saturday, July 2, 2011


On July 2, 2008, a little boy came into the world. His name was Frankie, and there was no way anyone could predict how he would impact our family. We didn't know he existed, we didn't know his family, and we didn't even know to be looking for him. But a little over a year ago, Frankie and his little sister Jasmine joined the Barr family.

My sister and her husband began the process of trying to adopt about a year and a half ago. Once they got their foster license and were officially on the list, it was only a few months before they heard of a 2-year-old boy and his 6-month old sister who needed a home. They jumped at the chance to provide some much-needed love for these two cuties!

Unfortunately, after living with them for almost 2 months, an aunt came into the picture who was willing to take them in. The law states that any blood relatves who can provide for them, are willing to, and can pass a background check have legal custody, and there's no need for a foster family. So we said our goodbyes and shed a LOT of tears. It took quite a while for my sister and brother-in-law to recover (understandably!), but they have since been put back on the list and found a new love of their lives!

While I'm insanely grateful for my new nephew, Carson, Frankie and Jasmine will always hold a special place in our family's hearts. It may have been a short while, but they made a big impact on our lives. They represented hope for our little family, and while it was painful, I, for one, am so grateful to have had that short time with Frankie and Jammin'!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Noah just came back from a business trip to Burbank today, and fortunately I was able to pick him up early from work. It was a gorgeous 85 degrees with a fantastic little breeze, so we decided to hold off on puppy's walk for a bit, and head down to Apex with it's 50 beers on tap and all the outdoor seating you could ask for! We caught up on our weeks and had fun soaking up the sunshine.

When we got home, Charlie was quite ready for her walk! We headed out for a stroll around the neighborhood and were able to soak up a few more rays with the pup. Then we ditched her again and went to a new restaurant (for us anyway!), Screen Door. It's famous for its traditional southern fried chicken, but neither of us got that! We branched out and neither of us was sorry!

Then we came home to relax on the couch and settle into a night of catching up on our favorite television shows. This, of course, gets constantly interrupted by Charlie needing her ball from under the entertainment center...

All in all, it was a perfect night with my husband. Tonight I am SUPER thankful for date nights with the man I love!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Sore muscles

In an effort to be in shape for my 30th birthday, or more in shape than I am now, I've brought back Billy Blanks and his Tae Bo extraordinaire! I can't say that I've committed to doing it regularly, but it's a fun workout, so it's been easy to do it at least three times a week. So the message for today is simple: I like sore muscles because it makes me feel like I actually accomplished something in my workout. Now if only I could stop walking funny because of my achy hips...


From yesterday... Blogger site was down.

It's finally summer, and with the warm weather comes a whole different season... Strawberry season!  I've never in my life been so excited for strawberries, but this year I was a preparing for a new mission: jam!

Sara went out to pick the berries today while I was at work, so as soon as I got home, it was on!  My entire childhood, my mom made jam.  Every fruit we grew, and even some we didn't, went into jam.  I don't think I had store-bought jam until I moved away to college.  So I was so super excited to relive those childhood memories of good ol' fashioned homemade jam!  But I never go to help my mom make the jam, so I honestly had NO IDEA what I was doing!

Turns out, it's not too hard.  There's a little finesse that goes into it, but for the most part it's pretty simple.  Mix your berries, bring them to a boil, add sugar, (here's where the finesse comes in...) boil again for EXACTLY 1 MINUTE, then ladle into jars.  More finesse: leave 1/4 of an inch at the top, no more no less, to ensure proper sealage.  Then process them (boil them in a HUGE pot or water) for 7 minutes, and let cool.  Done!

We ended up with WAY more strawberries than we needed today, so we're going to attempt some crazy flavors in a couple weeks.  If anyone has any ideas, feel free to pass them on!  Just remember, they must include strawberries.

So, thanks Sara, for letting me savor those childhood memories, and teaching me how to recreate them myself!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Work work work...

I didn't get a chance to update the blog yesterday because of the very thing for which I am thankful!

I knew the instant I left my job in San Jose, it could be disastrous. I was walking away from what little seniority I had to possibly start over at the bottom of the totem pole. And to make matters worse, once I got to Oregon I discovered just how bad the teaching job market had become... I scoured Craig's List week after week to find anything that would make me a little extra cash, only to be continuously disappointed.

One day when I was feeling especially discouraged and desperate, I ran across a job ad for Mad Science. My school back in San Jose hosted Mad Science after school, so I was very familiar with the program. They only hire on a part-time basis, which is what I was looking for. And they pay enough to make it worth it. Plus, I get to work with elementary kids again! I interviewed, went through training, and haven't looked back since!

Now that the school year is over, I'm helping out with the summer day camps. I had a day of training yesterday to see how the summer program runs, and I couldn't be more excited to run my own camp full of kids! It was so much fun to be a little more laid back with the kids, yet still see their faces light up as we performed our experiments. I don't get to run my camp until the week of July 11th, so I still have a little more time to prepare for the chitlins!

Given that I have a few empty weeks, I wasn't quite sure how to fill my time. However, a friend of Sara's was in need of some subbing with her part-time nanny gig. By some miracle, her vacation dates coincided with my time off! I'm now helping out the family for the next two weeks, and am so excited to get to snuggle a baby again! He's 9 months old, and so absolutely perfect! I really could not have asked for a better kid to hang out with, and a better family to work for!

So today, I am blessed with work. Even in this rough economy, and for all I thought I was giving up, I've been able to find ways to fill my time (and my wallet!) while having so much fun with the little ones. I feel as though both of these opportunities just fell into my lap at just the right time. It's times like this that I need to remember that things happen when the time is right. I can't worry about the future, or how things are going to work out. Because, after all, to quote Baz Luhrman, "worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum."

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Livin' in the lap of luxury

Today I experienced something I don't often get to do. Many of you hoity-toity types out there might see this as same old, same old, but this is not an everyday occurrence for me.

My friend Beth is having a baby in a few weeks, and in lieu of a "shower", a bunch of girls went down to a local spa to get foot massages and foot baths. Oh Lordy, are my feet happy!

They sat us all down in the cushiest couches I've ever sat in. They served us snacks, and we brought some beverages. Then we each got a 30 minute foot massage (heavenly...), followed by a warm foot soak of your choosing. I went with the Himalayan salt soak to soften my rough feet, but a couple chose the magnesium soak. This promised to promote, among other things, healthy bone formation, blood pressure, and bowel movements! Hmm... Halfway through the soak, they come around with ice cold water with peppermint oil and dose your feet into Antarctic temperatures, and then immediately pour hot water in your tub to warm your feet again. I don't know that I understand the reasoning behind this, and maybe you hoity-toities can offer some insight, but it certainly was surprising!

It was a perfect afternoon at the spa, pretending to be living in the lap of luxury if only for a couple hours!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Fresh, local produce

Noah and I headed out to the PSU farmer's market today get ourselves a new farmer, but evidently they were fresh out... We got some food instead. So now while lazy husband sleeps, I have to find a way to make a delicious Italian feast for two! He certainly has it good these days...

I believe our "feast" tonight will consist of fresh pesto and pasta with artichokes and bread. Anyone got any good recipes for pesto? I really wanted to try gnocchi, too, but hubbie says it's too much work... What does he care? He's sleeping!

Wish me luck!

Friday, June 24, 2011


Noah and I used to talk about how hard it is to meet friends once you get to a certain age. You can't just pick someone up in a bar and ask them to be your friend. And when I relocated here, unemployed, I worried how I was going to find some new companionship. Duh duh duh DUH! Enter Sara Manzo!

Because of our shared love of our pooches, it was easy to instantly spark a friendship with Sara. Of course, it helped that we lived in the same building, and our husbands work together! But I'm pretty sure we would have been friends anyway! We started walking the doggies together and quickly felt comfortable sharing intimate details of our lives. Our walks became a daily routine, but I sometimes think for selfish reasons! Yes, poochies need walks, but us girls need our girl time!

Having a friend like Sara has made my transition to Portland that much easier. It's nice knowing that I have someone I can rely on who lives so close and is willing to help in any way she can. As we go through similar stages of life together, it's comforting to bounce ideas off her, vent about stupid fights, or laugh at the silliness of getting older. Thanks Sara!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Charlie the Wonder Dog!

Yet another thing I'm thankful for everyday: my puppy!

Noah and I (OK, mostly me, but he was convinced rather quickly!) made the decision to get a dog about a year and a half ago. Right about that time, a friend of mine's cousin took in a dog and her 9 puppies! We went to meet them all and instantly fell in love with Charlie's shy demeanor. While all the others ran around being crazy pups and climbing in our laps to lick our faces, Charlie would calmly sit next to you waiting for you to notice her. Her beautiful blonde fur was so striking, and we couldn't help but love her cute white paint spots! We made the choice almost instantly and a couple weeks later, Charlie came to live with us!

It's been a bit of a roller coaster ever since! She thinks she's a lap dog, even as she ballooned to 60 lbs. She learns tricks very quickly, but also has a min dof her own and chooses when she wants to follow commands. And due to some scary experiences for her as a small puppy, she has quite a bit of dog aggression. Don't get me wrong, she loves her buddies out at the dog park and meeting new friends at the beach, but as soon as you put the leash on her, BAM! Just call her Cujo! This makes for some extremely frustrating walks everyday, but it quickly passes and she's once again the adorable Charlie we all know and love!

I love showing off her tricks to anyone who cares to watch. She sits, lies down, shakes... Boring! Noah's favorite is a high five (on both sides!) and I particularly love making her dance. She only knows how to dance (spin around in a circle) in one direction, so I recently taught her to boogie, too!

Since moving to Portland, Charlie is my constant companion. We play ball all day, go for walks and watch TV together. She's faithful, loyal, loving and snuggly! I've even decided I enjoy it when she sleeps in our bed!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Dramas and sitcoms and news, oh my!

This is something I'm thankful for everyday, so it might as well be mentioned sooner than later: TV. I love getting lost in dramatic TV series, feeling better about my own life by watching other people's ridiculous "reality", and forgetting about the day in a crazy sitcom. I used to get my news on my commute to and from work, but now that I'm only a part-time mad scientist, I have to rely on Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert! ;-)

While we're at it, I love Netflix! Noah and I have "discovered" so many great shows, and been able to watch them from beginning to end on our own time. Our couch has certainly been put to good use in the last few years since signing up for Netflix!

Yeah, yeah, it's rotting my brain, ruining my vision, blah blah blah... But I like it! And to think, Darling Husband keeps trying to get me to cancel the cable!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Those bottom-dwelling, blood-sucking creatures...

So about 3 years ago (April 28, 2008, to be exact!), I was in a car accident.  I was on my way home from work, and decided to pick up some dinner from Happi House.  As I exited the freeway and proceeded to merge over to the left-turn lane, the pick-up in front of me stopped short and I rear-ended him.  We exchanged info and he showed me there was no damage to his car (meanwhile, mine was totaled...).  My mom came to pick me up, and that was that.

A few days later, I got a call from the owner of the truck claiming that the woman he was with (turns out the woman was driving his truck) was having some neck pains.  Of course she is...  I immediately referred him to the insurance company; afterall, that's what they're for!  I didn't hear from my insurance company for quite some time, so I figured it was all over. 

If any of you have been in a car accident where someone is claiming to have been injured, you know this isn't the end of the story.  And I, too, will never be so naive as to think that everything could go this smoothly.  A good two years passed before I heard anything again, and this is where it all goes bananas!

The woman I hit was filing a claim against my father for an accident on April 28, 2008 (the only fact that was correct when all's said and done!).  She claimed he was driving at erratic speeds (or accelerating from a complete stop), and slammed into her truck while exiting the freeway.  When the police came (which never happened), he was arrested for a DUI!  Like I said, BANANAS!  This all went very far with doctors, lawyers, DMV, everything!  I even found out, when trying to change insurance companies after getting married, that there was no accident on my record, only my dad's!

To sum up, we did our part and recorded our official statement this past November.  I then heard from my insurance company's lawyer a few weeks ago that all was settled, and my father and I were in the clear.  They went to mediation, and the woman whom I hit showed up with a letter from her own doctor stating that there was nothing physically wrong with her.  How stupid are you?!  I guess no one did a psychological exam...  So she had to sign some paperwork stating that she wouldn't come back and sue us for money she wasn't due, and NOW, that was that!

As I washed dishes today, for some reason I started thinking about this whole crazy exchange, and realized (as will probably never happen again) I am thankful for lawyers.  Every once in a while they get things right, and for those times, I am extremely grateful!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Good things come in pink boxes

One of the rules of birthdays is that calories don't count. And thank goodness they don't, because on my doorstep the morning of the 18th were 2 dozen Voodoo donuts! Froot Loops, Dubble Bubble, marshmallows, Cocoa Puffs... The list goes on and on! Thanks to Erin and Cody Macartney, Noah and I will have donuts for DAYS! My birthday "dinner" consisted of donuts and champagne, and we barely made a dent!

I'm not sure if this is a post to say I'm thankful for Erin and Cody, or if I'm thankful for Voodoo donuts, but either way, they're all loved! :-). Now here's hoping the calorie rule takes a week to wear off...

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Gettin' Nekked!

I was originally going to give a recap of my birthday weekend and be thankful for the state of OR and all that it has to offer.  However, it's just too good of a state, and I can't mention it all in one post!  So I've been forced to narrow it down.  Now bear with me...

Today I am thankful for World Naked Bike Rides.  Given the name, I understand this event is not specific to OR, but nevertheless, I am thankful for it.  Not because I'm some weirdo perv who enjoys watching people get nekked and stupid things, but for the sheer fact that it exists.  Our street was shut down last night for about an hour to let all the crazies ride through.  Noah and I were finishing a movie, so we decided to run down and cheer them on.  Without going into too much detail for those who wish me to remain discrete, I've never seen so many... body parts flying down the street!  And many more women than I would have thought, too...

Again, it's a weird thing to be thankful for, I know.  But I love the fact that we can all suspend our sense of lawfulness for a bit and just enjoy the humor of it all.  The funniest part to me is that, because it's recognized as a city-wide event, the cops are there letting it all happen!  They park their cars to block the intersections and cheer on the riders just as much as the civilians!  (I've been told that while they won't arrest you for indecent exposure, they will still arrest you for public drunkenness, cuz hey! this is a family event!) It was quite fun to just have a silly moment at the end of my birthday and laugh at the craziness that is Portland :-)  In fact, I may just need to do it for my 30th... Who's comin' with me?!

Saturday, June 18, 2011


As my 30th year of life begins, I've started thinking about how blessed those years have been.  There aren't enough words to express how thankful I am for all the people, events, and circumstances involved in getting me to my 29th birthday.  However, I'm hoping this blog will be a start.

My goal is to publish one thing I'm thankful for each day until my 30th birthday one year from today.  Perhaps it'll continue after that; we'll see how committed I am to the cause! ;-)  There may be some repeats, but I'm sure anyone or thing mentioned more than once surely deserves it!  Some days it might be something small, others may be HUGE...  No matter the blessing, it deserves some praise!

So today I'll start with my darling husband.  We recently celebrated our 1-year anniversary, and oh, what a year it's been! Our marriage started with only one income, as Noah had left his job.  We weren't able to take the European honeymoon we'd been planning with my measly teacher's salary, so we made the best of it in Maui.  After returning, the serious job hunt began, and he landed a dream job in our dream city!  We'd talked about moving to Portland for years, and the opportunity fell into our laps in September.  I left my old job behind and packed up the pooch for our next adventure!

Shortly after moving, I found out that I wasn't actually allowed to move out of my condo.  Evidently one of the stipulations of my CalHFA loan was that my condo had to be my primary residence for the life of the loan...  Oops!  I was granted a one-year "hardship" but now I'm stuck either refinancing for less than I still owe, selling for less than I still owe, or moving back.  Hmmm...  Still not quite sure about this one, but I have until January 31st to figure it out.  Anyone wanna buy a condo? ;-)

I started the process of transferring my CA credential over to OR only to find some good news and some bad news.  The good news is, I don't have to take any classes or tests to get it transferred.  Yay!  However, the bad news is, it's going to cost me almost $400 in fees to get the new stupid piece of paper!  And to take that news from bad to worse, the state of education in OR is even worse off than CA!  Teachers are being laid off left and right, schools are closing all around us, and the possibility of getting a job in the near future is slim to none!  So why am I shelling out $400?

And then the kidney stone...  Noah woke up with some back pain one morning, but by the time he got to see a doctor it was gone.  Two days later, it hurt badly enough for him to leave work (and if you know my husband, you know how much of a workaholic he is!) and come home to lay on the floor for 8 hours.  After not being able to keep his dinner down, we went to the ER where they took a CAT scan to show him his stone.  He was sent home to wait it out with Vicodin in hand, and 4 days later, our little 2mm bundle of joy entered the world (in Japan, no less!).  Now we're learning what foods he should avoid to prolong the inevitable return of kidney stone #2...

Which brings us to today...  There were, of course, many other events along the way, but we'll stop there for now.  At this point you may be thinking to yourself, "I thought she was thankful; this is seeming rather bitter and sad..."  You would be correct.  However, the thing I'm thankful for is the support of Darling Husband through it all.  We've overcome a lot together and always find ourselves stronger on the other side.  He's open and honest, gives me a shoulder to cry on, encourages me on the days when I'm not so hopeful, and lets me yell it out when I can't see beyond the frustration.  We lean on each other equally and have learned to take things as they come, one day at a time.  Thank you, Noah, for being my husband!